Prof. Zofia Sadecka, (Uni. of Zielona Góra) - Head
Prof. Andrzej Greinert, (Uni. of Zielona Góra)
Prof. Andrzej Jędrczak, (Uni. of Zielona Góra)
Prof. Evgeny Abakumov (Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Prof. Stanisław Baran (Uni. of Life Science, Lublin)
Prof. January Bień (Uni. of Technology, Czestochowa)
Prof. Ryszard Błażejewski (Uni. of Life Science, Poznan)
Prof. Jacek Czekała (Uni. of Life Science, Poznan)
Prof. Michał Drab (Uni. of Zielona Góra)
Prof. Mirosława Gilewska (Uni. of Life Science, Poznan)
Prof. Zbigniew Heidrich (Uni. of Technology, Warszawa)
Prof. Piotr Andrzej Hulisz (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun)
Prof. Cezary Kabała (Uni. of Life Science, Wroclaw)
Prof. Maria Kaszyńska (Uni. of Technology, Szczecin)
Prof. Eugeniusz Koda (Uni of Live Science, Warszawa)
Prof. Urszula Kołodziejczyk
(Uni. of Zielona Gora)
Prof. Zygmunt Lipnicki (Uni. of Zielona Gora)
Prof. Edward Meller (Uni. of Technology, Szczecin)
Prof. Tomasz Mróz (Uni. of Technology, Poznań)
Prof. Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak (Uni. of Technology, Gdansk)
Prof. Lucjan Pawłowski (Uni. of Technology, Lublin)
Prof. Marcin Pietrzykowski (Uni. of Agriculture, Krakow)
Prof. Marlena Piontek (Uni. of Zielona Gora)
Prof. Jolanta Podedworna (Uni. of Technology, Warszawa)
Prof. Czesława Rosik-Dulewska (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Prof. Jürgen I. Schoenherr (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Germany)
Prof. Robert Sidełko (Uni. of Technology, Krakow)
Prof. Kazimierz Szymański (Uni. of Technology, Krakow)
Prof. Konrad Thürmer (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany)
Prof. Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła (Uni. of Technology, Czestochowa)
Prof. Urszula Kołodziejczyk – head
Jakub Kostecki, PhD – deputy head
Magda Hudak, PhD
Anita Jakubaszek, PhD
Ewelina Płuciennik-Koropczuk, PhD
University of Zielona Góra
Institute of Environmental Engineering
65-516 Zielona Góra, 15 Prof. Z. Szafrana St.
Phone: +48 68 328 26 37, +48 68 328 24 07
Fax: +48 68 324 72 90
e-mail: sekretariat@iis.uz.zgora.pl
Notification to the Conference
All articles are subjected to an editorial review. It is possible to publish two separate articles. Articles, after reviews, may be published in:
• Scientific Papers of the University of Zielona Góra. Environmental Engineering Series (List of the MNiSW 7 points) www.znuzis.uz.zgora.pl (Polish/English),
• Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports (List of the MNiSW 9 points.) www.ceer.uz.zgora.pl (English).
Guidelines for publications can be found at the Journal's web-sites:
Scientific Papers of the University of Zielona Góra. Environmental Engineering Series
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Full package (both Conference and the Environmental Engineering Alumni Reunion): 275 euro (PhD students and young scientist up to 35 y/o 140 euro); Conference fee: 250 euro; (PhD students and young scientist up to 35 y/o 140 euro); Participation in the Alumni Reunion: 25 euro.
Payments should be made by 30 June 2017
the Institute of Environmental Engineering. 65-516 Zielona Góra, 15 Prof. Z. Szafrana St.; Gala dinner on 12.10.2017 and 14.10.2017: Forrest Hotel (www.for-rest.pl, reservation of accommodation on your own, discount price available for conference participants).
12 October 2017 Jubilee, plenary & poster sessions, gala dinner;
13 October 2017 scientific excursion, the cruise along the Odra river;
14 October2017 Environmental Engineering Alumni Reunion
Copyright by IIŚ 2013-2015
Jubilee of Environmental Engineering in Zielona Góra
The origin and activity of Environmental Engineering in Zielona Góra dates back to 1975. After 2 years of preparation, the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology agreed to launch environmental engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In October of the same year, 62 students began a full-time course, at the specialization water supply and sewage and waste disposal. The Institute of Sanitary Engineering was established on 1 October 1982. In June of ‘82, the first 18 graduates received a master's degree in environmental engineering. Since then more than 2,500 students (both engineers & masters) and 33 PhD’s have been promoted in Environmental Engineering in Zielona Góra.
Together with the 40th anniversary of Environmental Engineering in Zielona Góra comes the 3rd International Conference Environmental Engineering and Design
Conference topics
• New technologies in water and wastewater treatment;
• Municipal and industrial waste management;
• Rainwater and snowmelt in urban areas;
• Protection against flooding;
• Sustainable management of natural resources;
• Forestry as part of environmental design;
• Reclamation of degraded and devastated areas;
• Sustainable energy management in the environment.
Conference Programme
Registration on-line
Honour patronage:
Minister of Science and Higher Education - Jarosław Gowin
Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of the Environment - Mariusz Gajda
Marshal of the Lubuskie Voivodeship - Elżbieta Polak
Lubuskie Province Governor - Władysław Dajczak
President of the City of Zielona Góra - Janusz Kubicki
Rector of the Uniwersity of Zielona Góra - prof. Tadeusz Kuczyński

Conference Organiser
Institute of Environmental Engineering - University of Zielona Gora
Conference Sponsors
Medial Conference Supporters
